HR development
HR development

- Group orientation
Strengthen identity through
sharing of management goal,
history and value of the group.
- Kumho E&C orientation
Secure executive capability
so that employees can acquire
core value and culture of
Kumho E&C and adapt to
the organization
in a short period of time.
- OJT and Mentoring
Place emphasis on improvement
of learning and work in order
to enhance capabilities of work
site operation and performance.
- Follow-up
Strengthen retention through
1-year adaptability check
and review.

- Kumho Asiana MBA course
- - Provide employees with the opportunities to acquire
management expertise and train top-level
human resources.
- Run the commissioned courses
in leading universities in Korea.
- Domestic MBA course
- - Select and support key talents for entrance
into business schools in Korea.
- Overseas MBA course
- - Select and support key talents for entrance
into leading business schools in USA, Japan,
China, etc. (Support school expenses and other
expenses for stay in the country.)